Meet Our Team » Jay B.
Jay B.
Production and Shipping Staff
Jay’s many hats:
Jay is crucial for getting trucks loaded and organized. He’s a driver, a production crew member, high places reacher and construction worker. Most importantly he is our plant music coordinator.
Jay’s Rush Creek Growers story:
After this, my second spring season, I was asked to stay on year round... Thought interrupted… June (cat) is getting between me and the computer. Things are as they should be.
I am still very much feeling “the new guy” and am so happy to have patient, playful, and positive people inviting me in. Not only at the greenhouse but on many of the deliveries. One instance in which I went from ‘strangers’ to hugging farewell in 2 deliveries with a receiving dock worker, is a fond example that: There is So Much Good Everywhere. Let it grow!